3d patches

Custom patches are great collectible items. That’s why clubs of all natures contact us with their request because they love creating gift items that they know their members will love to wear. Using your design ideas, our team of talented artists create custom artwork for your patches. This is how you can stand out in a crowd. People will see your patches and want to know what you’re all about.

Patches can be created in a variety of sizes, shapes, styles, and colors to meet your needs. They can also have different backing options. We offer a variety for you to choose from. For example, you don’t have to have an iron-on backing. You can have a Velcro backing or no backing at all.

One look at our custom patch examples can provide you with all the inspiration you need for your own order of custom patches. In fact, how can you dispute their beauty, practicality, and long lasting nature. Custom patches are also rich with personal meaning and sentiment.

You can create a new patch design each year. This will give members of your club something to look forward to. It will also give new members something to look back on and say, “Yes, that was the year I joined the club.” How awesome is that?

Advertise your club with custom collectible patches in your choice of size, shape, and colors. Request a no obligation, free price quote. It will be sent to your email along with a digital file containing the custom artwork that we created for you.

You can also email us at info@qualityembroideredpatches.com. You can also call 1-800-952-0305 toll-free and speak to a Quality Embroidered Patches representative. We’re here to assist you with your request by providing you with free artwork and design services.

Once you’ve approved your patch design and paid for your order, we submit it to the factory for manufacturing. Your patches are then sent to the address we have on file for you when you placed your order. This allows you to focus on other aspects of your club without worrying about having a gift item on hand to give away to your members.